
Orchid helps you find what's on your mind. It can't read your mind, though. If you're having trouble with your unit read through our FAQs or get in touch at We typically respond within 24 hours.

If you have a feature request then head over here and let us know what you think.

Frequently asked questions

First, charge your unit and update the firmware here to make sure you’ve got all of the coolest new features. Then… play a chord! If you want a deeper dive, have a read through our the Orchid Manual [Beta] here.

Try holding down the power button for 10 seconds. If that doesn't work, head here to reboot the device.

Hold down the power button for 10 seconds.



Nope. This is because you probably already have the required charger at home, and, environment.

You will need a USB-C charger or laptop charger.

You can connect Orchid to audio equipment using the 3.5mm line out jack.  Orchid can be connected to any MIDI-compatible device that has a 5-pin MIDI-IN jack.  You can connect Orchid to your PC for MIDI communication via Orchid’s USB-C connector.

Yes, by pressing the Key knob.  When the Key LED is on, you can play one-finger chords that will be in the chosen key.  Select a different key by turning the key knob.


Not at this stage.


By default, velocity sensitivity is on. If your chords don’t seem to be velocity sensitive, check the velocity sensitivity setting in Options > Velocity Sense.

Not at this stage.

Not at this stage.

Yes. Turning the BPM knob will adjust the tempo of the loop.

As many as you like.

Long-hold the Bass dial.

Make sure the Bass Volume is high enough by pressing Volume and turning Bass Volume up.  Long press Bass to access the Bass menu to select how Bass notes will be played.

Long press Bass to access the Bass menu; you might have Bass Single Notes or Solo selected.

When Key is off, a chord mode button(Dim, Min,  Maj, Sus) must also be pressed so Orchid knows what kind of chord to add the extension to.  If Key is on, the chord mode is automatically chosen by Orchid, so you can add ad-hoc extensions to in-key chords without pressing a chord mode button.

Adjusting the Voicing Dial changes the octave placement of the notes.   In Options > Single Notes, select Full Octave to reduce the octave shifts on single notes, or select Split for octave-spanning discovery.